¡Los Borikengineers 2 ganan campeonato de FIRST Tech Challenge Puerto Rico!
¡Se hizo historia! Borikengineers Triunfan en el Primer Campeonato de FIRST Tech Challenge en Puerto Rico El entusiasmo estaba en el aire el pasado domingo, 18 de marzo de 2024, cuando Puerto Rico acogió su primer campeonato de FIRST Tech Challenge. Organizado por Eureka PR y auspiciado por Raytheon Technologies, este evento marcó un hito…
Primer juego de exhibición de FTC en Puerto Rico!
¡Histórico! El pasado fin de semana, Puerto Rico celebró su primer juego de exhibición de FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) gracias a la colaboración entre FIRST Robotics Puerto Rico y Eureka. El evento tuvo lugar como parte del campeonato de FIRST Lego League en el Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico. Esta emocionante ocasión marca un hito para la isla y sirve como preámbulo…
¡First Tech Challenge llega a Puerto Rico! Un hito para la robótica en la isla
¡Grandes noticias para los entusiastas de la robótica en Puerto Rico! Este año marca un hito emocionante con el lanzamiento de la competencia First Tech Challenge (FTC) en la isla. First Robotics PR será la sede oficial de FTC en Puerto Rico, marcando el comienzo de una nueva era para la comunidad de robótica local.…
Protected: Information for new team members
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Radio Interview with WABA “La Grande”
Part of The Borikengineers was interviewed a second time by the WABA “La Grande” radio station. The interview was streamed in Facebook. Yadiel Ruiz, Josephine Vargas, Diego Cumpiano, and Gianni Rodriguez had the opportunity to talk about the experience traveling to the FIRST Chesapeake DC1 and DC2 competitions. The things they learned during the year…
The Borikengineers travel to Washington DC!
Last weekend we participated in the Chesapeake DC 1 and DC 2 Qualifier events. You might ask, why Chesapeake if you are from Puerto Rico? Well, Puerto Rico only have two First Tech Challenge teams, EMC Team Tech (Team 20369), and our team, The Borikengineers (FTC team 20380). With only two teams, we do not…
Judges Choice Award!
We participated in the Chesapeake DC 1 Qualification Tournament yesterday and we had a blast! We won 4 out of the 5 games we played, and ended up 6th in the ranking! We didn’t qualify, but things turned out even more interesting when we were the first pick of one of the winning teams for…
Coiled servo motor cable
This is the first time we use a slider in our robot, and we quickly noticed an issue with the design. We are using a servo motor to move a gripper mounted on the slider. Since it has to reach a height of almost 3 feet, we used several servo extensions. There are several problems…
2023 Season Information
Hi all! This is is just some useful information for this season, directly from First Inspires. Game and Season Info: Programming Resources: Robot Building:
A new online home!
We have awesome news! The Borikengineers have a new online home! This is the first of many posts from The Borikengineers, the First “FIRST Tech Challenge” (FTC) team from Puerto Rico! So brace for impact ’cause here we come!